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Glen Ellyn IL Fence Options

Rich in history as well as per capita income, Glen Ellyn is the epitome of a picket fence community. If your own home is lacking that finishing touch SP Fence is ready with Glen Ellyn IL Fence Options ranging from picket to privacy.

Wood Fencing

There is no doubt about it, wood fences are the go-to classic choice. We use treated pine and redwood for lasting installations.

Immerse yourself in the understated luxury of a cedar horizontal fenceā€”a true masterpiece that seamlessly blends contemporary design with the intrinsic allure of cedar wood. Horizontal cedar fence transcends the ordinary, transforming your outdoor space into a haven of natural beauty and modern sophistication.
Tailor and install your cedar horizontal fence to match your unique preferences. Whether you opt for uniform board widths or experiment with variations, the design flexibility allows you to create a personalized statement that reflects your individual taste. SP fence co will install and customize your cedar horizontal fence with options you desired to elevate your outdoor living experience with the enduring charm of a cedar horizontal fence.

PVC Fencing

Vinyl fences are among the lowest maintenance options, and look remarkably like their wooden counterparts, whether you prefer a natural wood look or a painted appearance.

Aluminum Fencing

Evenly tied with vinyl for low maintenance, aluminum railings have the classy appearance of old wrought iron.

Give us a call at (630) 514-2558 for fencing quotes!


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